
Community based non-profit organization, with the goal to provide nutrition and supportive services.

These programs serving the community are partially funded by the City of San Francisco’s Department of Disability and Aging Services.

RACS was established In November 1977

Ladies Auxiliary led by Alexandra M. Glazunova

Started as an Ethnic Community Center

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We would like to share with you some interesting information about our founder Alexandra Michailovna Glazunova.

Born in Harbin, China in 1914, Alexandra received her early education there and met her husband, Serge. They were married in 1936 and emigrated to the U.S. on their honeymoon. After settling in San Francisco, where Serge worked as an engineer at Marinship during WWII. After the war her husband, was hired by Arabian American Oil Company and they moved to New York for a year and a half and then to The Hague, Netherlands, for seven years. While living in Europe, Alexandra was very active in Diplomatic Corps functions and studied voice and enjoyed travelling throughout Europe. Alexandra returned to the U.S. in 1960 and settled in Greenbrae. She went on to earn M.A. degrees in psychology and sociology from Dominican College in San Rafael and used her education to start the Marin County Diabetes Association and Russian American Community Services in San Francisco.

Over the decades, the Russian American Community Services, which started by Mrs.Glazunova' s dedication and hard work, has grown from a small soup kitchen to what it is today - a non-profit organization on multiple contracts with the City of San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services. RACS provides hundreds of congregate and home delivered meals daily for seniors and adults with disabilities, and community services to our clients.

The Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc.
300 Anza Street San Francisco, CA 94118 Tel. (415) 387-5336 email info@racssf.org

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© 2022 by Russian American Community Services Association of SF, Inc.